
Southern Youth condemn sponsored attacks on Nigerian Army, recommends Buratai for National Honor

Southern Youth condemn sponsored attacks on Nigerian Army, recommends Buratai for National Honor.

The Southern youth leaders forum have condemned what it termed as the sponsored media attacks on the Nigerian Army and its leadership, by some local Non Governmental Organisations NGO and their foreign collaborators, as it also throw its weight behind the recent closure of the offices of some charity organizations operating in the northeastern region, who have been accused of aiding the Boko Haram insurgents, in its renewed attacks on some parts of Borno State.

Rising from a Summit this weekend in Owerri, Imo State, the group also recommended the Chief of Army staff, General Tukur Buratai, for a National honor, by the Federal government.

Read full communique below:

Communique of Southern Youth Leaders Summit held in Owerri on Saturday, October 5, 2019.


Leaders of Youth Organisations from Southern Nigeria, on Saturday October 5th, 2019, met in a summit in Owerri, Imo State to deliberate on the State of the Nation, viz-a-viz the State of the Nigerian Economy and National Security. The summit was attended by Youth leaders, Leaders of Civil Society Organisations, professional bodies and members of friendly Organisations.

After exhaustive deliberations by the expanded gathering of Youth Activists and Opinion molders, the Southern Youth Leaders Summit , adopted the following communique.

Summit recalls with nostalgia, the giant strides of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, in the first 100 days of his second term in office, in the cardinal areas of Economy, Security and Anti-corruption.

Summit commended the continued progress being made by Nigeria, by the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Summit condemned the various attempt by some politicians and people of vested interest, towards pushing the country, dangerously to the edge of the slope, particularly the antics of creating scares among our people, with the Instrumentality of some unpatriotic media organization, fake NGOs locally and their foreign collaborators.

Summit endorsed the decision of the Nigerian military, to close down the Northeast Operational Offices of some Boko Haram aiding groups, masquerading as charity organizations and NGOs.

Summit commended the sustained effort of the government and stakeholders in the anti-corruption war. It also lauded the cooperation now being received from the judiciary, towards ensuring a speedy dispensation of corruption related trials, as being recently witnessed in the country.

Summit demands that States and other tiers of government, must set up machineries towards cooperating and consolidating the efforts of the federal government, in tackling the various security challenges presently facing the country.

Summit joins other millions of Nigerians in condemning the few cases of isolated insurgent attacks on some soft targets in some parts of the North eastern Nigeria, by the decimated but desperate Boko Haram terrorist elements.

Summit sends special commendation to the gallant Nigerian troops in the battle fronts in the Northeast and other parts of the country, where insurgency and other forms of internal hostilities are being experienced.

Summit commended the Federal government and the Nigeria Armed Forces, for the restoration of peace in the Northeastern part of the country, the Middle belt and other troubled part of the country.

Summit acknowledged the Nigerian Army leadership for success of its various operations across the nation, especially in the Northeast zone. Most especially the visible success of the Super Camp concept in routing the remnants of the Boko Haram /ISWAP terrorist group.

Summit therefore unanimously passed a Vote of Confidence on the leadership of the Nigerian Army and recommends the Chief of Army Staff, Nigerian Army, Lt General Tukur Yusufu Buratai for a Special Honor, by the Federal government.

Summit urge Nigerians, particularly the youth, not to be deceived by media reports, campaign of calumny and various false narratives against the Nigerian Army and its leadership.

Summit passed a vote of Confidence on President Muhammadu Buhari over his handling of National Security, anti-corruption and the Economic recovery being witnessed in the country. Signed by

Com Oladimeji Odeyemi

Barr John Atani.

Hon Dr Fidelis Nze (KSM).

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