Make Yourself Available for Nigeria Police Investigation, CD ask UK based Blogger

The Campaign for Democracy (CD) wishes to address the ongoing controversy surrounding the refusal of United Kingdom-based blogger, Dorcas Adeyinka, to honor a police invitation in Nigeria. It is important to clarify that there exists no law prohibiting the police from inviting any individual suspected of criminal activities for questioning.

Dorcas Adeyinka has chosen to engage in a media campaign of calumny against the leadership of the Nigeria Police Force, despite every attempt at politely inviting her, for questioning, over some grievous allegations against her, including,but not limited to murder. We wish emphasize that every available reports, indicated, that at no point has there been any attempt by the police to violate the rights of Dorcas Adeyinka, and this, has been reiterated publicly on numerous occasions.

The allegations against Dorcas Adeyinka, particularly the serious accusation of murder by the Foluso Olabanji family, are weighty offenses under Nigerian and international law. Instead of evading arrest and shifting attention through sponsored campaigns, we urge Dorcas Adeyinka to present herself and address these allegations squarely.

It is pertinent to note that the police’s declaration to invite Dorcas Adeyinka only came after she failed to respond to previous invitations, evaded arrest, or reportedly on the run. This is a lawful procedure aimed at ensuring justice and upholding the rule of law.

The Campaign for Democracy reaffirms its commitment to the protection of human rights while unequivocally denouncing all forms of crime and criminality. We urge all individuals, including Dorcas Adeyinka, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in their investigations. Justice must prevail, and all parties involved must respect due process and legal procedures.

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