Martha Agba’s approach to an inclusive Obudu


Obudu Local Government, one of the 18 vibrant Local Government Areas of Cross River State, is a true treasure of our nation, blessed with fertile land and a hardworking, spirited populace. Our community’s dedication to both labor and celebration highlights our strong, unified identity—qualities that have produced numerous distinguished individuals and garnered Obudu immense pride.

I understand the challenges we face, and it is my deep conviction that we must now take bold steps to overcome them. As someone with a profound connection to Obudu and a track record of advocating for inclusive progress, I am committed to transforming our local government into a model of effective governance and community development.

I humbly seek your support to serve as your next Local Government Chairman, with a focused agenda on eight critical areas: Transparency, Education, Healthcare Delivery, Youth and Women Empowerment, Basic Infrastructural Development, Agriculture and Food Security, Humanitarian Services, and Security and Peace Building.

Drawing on my extensive experience in humanitarian work and youth advocacy, I am prepared to lead with integrity and dedication. My vision is to ensure that every corner of Obudu benefits from our strategic investments. From empowering our cocoa farmers in Ubang to supporting groundnut cultivation in Utugwang and celebrating yam harvests in Betekwuel, my administration will prioritize agricultural and economic development, ensuring tangible support and sustainable growth for our farmers and communities.

Together, we will build a government that listens, engages, and acts decisively for the betterment of all. My commitment is unwavering, and my word is my bond.

    The essence of good governance lies in government’s ability to be transparent and accountable. My administration will be rooted in these principles, ensuring that every decision is made with the best interest of our people at heart. I will establish an open governance framework where financial resources are managed with utmost integrity and transparency. Regular financial reports will be published, and I will personally ensure that funds are allocated efficiently to critical areas of development.
    Current statistics available from the office of the Accountant General of the Federation shows that for the month of February 2024, Obudu received about 305,000,000 (Three Hundred and Five Million Naira) as her share from the Federal Account Allocation Committee. Information available to us shows that the Local Government currently has a monthly wage bill/expenditure of about 165,000,000. This proves that a lot can be achieved if the right thing is done. We will pursue a very modest revenue drive to ensure that our programs and policies are well financed. We will not tax our mothers and fathers struggling to feed from their little farming profits.

My administration will look at possible collaborations to ensure we run a very transparent system. Monthly, we will publicize our income and expenditures . We will create platforms for people to ask questions and make inputs.

To foster inclusivity, I will initiate quarterly town hall meetings across all wards, where every citizen can voice their concerns, suggestions, and ideas. These forums will serve as a direct line of communication between the people and their government, ensuring that governance is truly by the people and for the people.

    Research has shown that there is a very thin line between poverty and criminality. Obudu LGA is blessed with an extraordinary manpower that can fit in any skill development.
    The youth and women of Obudu are not just our future; they are our present. My commitment to their empowerment is not just a campaign promise, it is a lifelong mission. Having served as a focal person for the Progressive Young Women Forum and represented Nigeria on the global stage at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), I have consistently advocated for greater inclusion of youth and women in decision-making processes.

Under my leadership, we will launch the Obudu Youth and Women Empowerment Initiative (OYEWI), a comprehensive program designed to equip young people and women with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed. This initiative will include entrepreneurship training, vocational education, and access to micro-financing.

We will also establish mentorship networks, connecting our youth and women with successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who can guide them on their journey to success. By creating a conducive environment for innovation and growth, we will transform Obudu into a hub of opportunity for all.
We will offer micro credit facilities to our young people and women who are willing to establish small scale businesses from skills acquired through the OYEWI. This micro credit will be at zero interest rate.


Agriculture is the lifeblood of Obudu, and it’s time to harness its full potential. We are blessed with rich, fertile land that can produce cassava, rice, cocoa, yam, plantain, palm oil, banana, and groundnut. To secure our future, we must invest in agriculture not just as a subsistence activity, but as a profitable and sustainable industry.

As your Local Government Chairman, I will spearhead a comprehensive agricultural development plan to boost productivity, increase income for our farmers, and ensure food security. Our approach will include the introduction of modern farming techniques, quality seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation systems.

A critical aspect of our plan is addressing the high post-harvest losses our farmers face. To tackle this, we will construct silos for proper storage of produce, ensuring that the hard work of our farmers is not wasted due to poor storage. This will not only increase the shelf life of agricultural products but also improve food security and farmer income.

We will establish agricultural cooperatives, enabling farmers to pool resources, share knowledge, and negotiate better prices for their produce. These cooperatives will also facilitate access to markets, ensuring that our farmers can sell their produce at fair prices. Additionally, our farmers will benefit from the state’s ongoing infrastructure projects, such as the airport, railway, and deep seaport, which will provide new opportunities for exporting agricultural goods.


Infrastructure is the backbone of development, and Obudu deserves the best. The ongoing construction of superhighways provides us with a unique opportunity to boost our local economy through strategic developments.

We will focus on building smaller resorts along these highways, which will not only attract tourists but also serve as centers for local commerce. These resorts will be designed to showcase our culture and natural beauty, creating jobs and generating additional Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) for the local government.

Our goal is to make Obudu a hub of tourism and commerce, leveraging our natural resources and strategic location to create sustainable economic growth. The revenues generated from these resorts will be reinvested into our communities, funding essential services and infrastructure projects that will benefit all residents.

By focusing on these critical areas, we can unlock Obudu’s full potential and create a brighter, more prosperous future for all.


Healthcare is a fundamental right, and under my leadership, it will be a top priority. We will upgrade our primary healthcare facilities, ensuring they are equipped with modern medical equipment and staffed by qualified professionals. Additionally, mobile health clinics will be launched to serve our more remote areas, guaranteeing that no one in Obudu is left behind when it comes to access to quality healthcare.

To further enhance healthcare delivery, we will implement programs to drastically reduce infant mortality rates and provide extra monthly incentives to our healthcare workers to ensure their optimal productivity. Basic drugs will be stocked at all health centers, and transport support services will be provided to ensure efficiency in service delivery.


Education is the foundation of a thriving society. We will invest in our schools, ensuring they have the necessary infrastructure, learning materials, and trained teachers to deliver quality education. Every child in Obudu deserves the opportunity to excel academically, and we will work to ensure the national policy of free primary education is strictly adhered to.

To promote academic excellence, we will set up scholarship schemes for outstanding students, provide textbooks and other learning materials, and establish a mini e-library equipped for e-learning. Regular training and workshops will be organized for our teachers to keep them updated with modern teaching techniques.


Caring for the most vulnerable in our society is a responsibility I take seriously. My experience as Senior Special Assistant on Humanitarian Affairs has given me a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the elderly, disabled, and those in need. My administration will implement robust social welfare programs that provide support to these groups, ensuring they live with dignity and respect.

Monthly stipends will be provided for the vulnerable elderly in our communities, and mechanisms will be put in place to cater to the less privileged, uplifting the quality of life for all.


A clean and vibrant environment is essential for the well-being of our people. We will pursue a rigorous sanitation program, ensuring that Obudu becomes the cleanest Local Government Area in Cross River State.

We will also invest in our cultural festivals, such as the New Yam festival, turning them into major tourist attractions. A recreational park will be established, serving as a cultural exhibition center where our rich traditions can be celebrated and enjoyed by all.


A secure environment is vital for development, and I am committed to ensuring that Obudu remains peaceful and secure. We will work closely with security agencies to address any challenges and ensure the safety of our people. Community policing initiatives will be promoted, involving local stakeholders in maintaining law and order.

My administration will also invest in peacebuilding programs that address the root causes of conflict and promote harmony among our diverse communities.


Obudu stands at a pivotal moment, and the decisions we make now will shape our future for generations to come. As a daughter of this land, I am deeply committed to the prosperity and well-being of our people. My vision for Obudu is one of inclusive development, where every community has the opportunity to grow, and every individual can succeed.

I am not just making promises; I am making a commitment—to lead with integrity, to govern with transparency, and to deliver results that will transform Obudu for the better. With your support, we can build an Obudu that we are all proud to call home—a place where our children can dream big, our youth can achieve their full potential, and our communities can thrive.

**For the Love of Country and People

Martha Agba
Aspirant for Obudu Local Government Chairman

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