Medical expert applauds Abiye Safe Motherhood

A medical expert, Professor Kelsey Harrison has lauded the achievements recorded by Governor Olusegun Mimiko in the provision of qualitative healthcare services to the people of Ondo state.

Harrison, an Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gyneacology and one time Vice-Chancellor at the University of Port-Harcourt, made the statement while delivering the first Distinguished Guest Lecture at the University of Medical Sciences Ondo (UNIMED).

Describing Mimiko as a trained physician and politician of repute, the former university don expressed delight that the Governor was able to fulfill all the election promises he made to the people before occupying the seat.

According to him, “Governor Mimiko declared loudly and with absolute conviction that improving social welfare including education and reducing deaths of pregnant women and children will be among his priorities.

He promised to remove barriers to safe motherhood, and great attention paid to the avoidance of delays encountered by pregnant women in seeking and receiving quality healthcare.

While noting the achievements of the Governor in the area of reduction of maternal mortality, the professor of Obstetrics and Gyneacology described it as a breakthrough and achievements that should be lauded.

Delivering a paper entitled: “We Reap What We Sowed,” the Emeritus Professor went down memory lane by narrating his medical experiences at both the University of Ibadan and Amadu Bello University, Zaria and concluded by stating four key factors that are necessary for maternal survival during pregnancy and child birth.

The former Vice-Chancellor listed the factors to include, provision of good living conditions that would improve the health of the people, provision of professional antenatal care to pregnant women, provision of effective treatment to pregnant women who develop life-threatening complications and preparing adequate record of pregnancy.

While decrying what he described as persistent increase in maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, the Emeritus Professor attributed the problem to poor understanding of its causes.

Professor Harrison charged government at all levels to initiate programmes and policies such as provision of basic formal education to the populace, stating that the move would help in boosting social, economic, demographic and development of the country.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Vice-chancellor of UNIMED, Professor Friday Okonofua, stated that the lecture series, wit this being the maiden edition, was organised in order to provide forum for highly flying scientist, researchers, and inventors in the medical sciences to present their results to community stakeholders in an easily understandable format.

Professor Okonofua described the presenter of the lecture as one of the most ardent researcher in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a role model per excellence and one of the most astounding scientists and public health advocates Nigeria has ever produced.

The UNIMED Vice-chancellor also described the title of the lecture as multi-faceted which speaks volume of the foundation Professor Harrison laid several years ago in building research infrastructure and applied scientific knowledge in the field of Obstetrics and Gyneacology.

While reinstating the commitment of the University management to excellent in medical sciences, the UNIMED Vice-Chancellor stated that the institution would continue to organise academic activities that would benefit its students and the general populace.

He appealed for financial assistance from public-spirited individuals, religious bodies as well as non-governmental organisations to make the university achieve the mission and vision of its founding fathers.

The programme, held at the main campus of the institution located along Laje Road, Ondo city, was attended by personalities from all walks of life including the Chairman Governing Council of the institution, Professor Oladipo Akinkugbe, Vice-Chancellors from various universities, representatives from the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) as well as officials from the National University Commission (NUC).

Others were principal officers, students as well as lecturers of the institution, the Osemawe of Ondo, Oba Victor Kiladejo, Olukare of Ikare, Oba Akadiri Momoh, as well as several Ondo chiefs, among others.

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